Bryan Renteria
Bryan Renteria has become a YouTube superstar. Bryan Renteria was born in the United States on 19 September 1989. Bryan has also gained popularity through his YouTube channel EpicMunke Channel. Bryan has received a great deal of fame through his pranks, challenges and mukbangs. Bryan Renteria Jr. died due to Mayra Renteria. He was kept in NICU after his introduction to the world. In Mayra's tweet Bryan was undergoing a medical procedure in October 4, 2021. We will now examine Bryan Renteria Jr.'s death in greater specific. Mayra Isabel is the mother of Bryan Renteria Jr. The news of his death shocked many across the globe. Bryan's death was confirmed on New Deaths. Mayra has shared her story on her Instagram posting on Bryan's initial introduction. The caption reads"I am so happy to be able to see my son, and then finally bring him home. With my trust in the Lord I am convinced that he will provide him with the strength and confidence to take on this. It's incredible how strong my son is! There's nothing wrong with me, but I do not like his character, but the quality isn't good. It would be nice to keep Bryancito on your list of petitions.

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