April Lockhart
April Lockhart was born on July 4, 1995. When she was in the seventh grade, she started playing guitar and taking piano classes which sparked her enthusiasm for music writing. April Lockhart composed her debut song, Different, at age 12 years old. At 14 years old, April was spending a lot of time writing songs and honed her singing capabilities. Her writing began alongside her father and her dad in NY and LA just a few months later. April began to include various other topics relevant to the"Take my Hand song for some close friends, like peer pressure problems and teenage suicide. Lockhart collaborates with the well-known clean beauty brand Ilia as well as a lifestyle influencer with her own large following. Yes, she was born with no left hand. It gives her a unique look. However, that's not the only thing about her. As a result Lockhart's Instagram profile doesn't hide the fact that she is disabled, but the focus isn't on her disability either. The main message? It is not only our physical selves. Our identities are intricate and we contain many different factors. We don't want to allow that to define me I don't want to become a disability advocate in the sense that I only talk about because there are so numerous other aspects of me Lockhart shares her thoughts via video from her home in Nashville. My daily routine isn't dependent on it. I just live my normal routine and have my own solutions to problems. It's a big part of my life, therefore it's important for us to speak about it. Self-acceptance can be a marathon for a lifetime however Lockhart truly inspires me on that front. She admits that she's been through phases of her body and sometimes not being confident in wearing particular types of clothes which showed off her arms. Now, she dresses in whatever she'd like. and she shares her pictures to social media. She says that self-love is a journey. I'm not certain if you'll ever reach the end. This applies to everyone regardless of their levels of anxiety. It is important to have people that know and can relate to you. They'll be able to remind you that you're anxious about.

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